Introduce Yourself To Your Higher Self

Nov, 07, 2022
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Introduce yourself to your higher self. Start looking within to find the beauty and purity of your soul. Your soul does not live in separation. It only knows truth. Truth is purity. Nature knows how to take care of itself. Just like nature, the higher self can take care of you, if you allow it to be active in your life.

Learning about your higher self can feel daunting. It is because we are living in our false self and are governed by our weaknesses, by our fears, blame, jealousy, competitiveness, selfishness.

Instead, start by looking at your higher self as a real thing, as a source of your power and a way of finding solutions. Work on your weaknesses to make them your strength. Your soul is your inner eye that will allow you to do that. See it and feel it. Stop ignoring yourself, instead acknowledge your strengths.

Your higher self is your natural self. It is the real you, which is the true you, without the selfishness of the ego. Find the higher self by connecting with your inner world. The vehicle to understanding your thought patterns and working with the higher self is through the power of meditation and metaphysics (to understand your mind-set and go beyond your thinking). Meditation can open your mind to a new way of thinking and acceptance of self. Try it now, you have nothing to lose but your false self.

With love, kindness and compassion,

Healing Master Issam Kadamani

October 11, 2022

Issam Kadamini

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